Thursday, May 13, 2010

Does Vibration Exercise Machine Fitness Really Have Proven Benefits?

There’s been a lot of talk lately, with the explosion of using a vibration exercise machine plate fitness, about how these platforms can increase a person’s fitness level by strengthening and toning muscle, burning fat, improving coordination and flexibility in users, as well as demonstrate remarkable rehabilitative capabilities. But with all the hype, vibration exercise machine fitness has its critics too. Some say that while it all sounds good, there are no actual studies to prove that vibration exercise machine fitness is actually beneficial to the user.

For those critics, we did some research and found not one, but several studies that all pointed to the benefits vibration exercise machine has for those that are looking to get a very effective workout, with very little of the disadvantages that come with hard impact workouts. The study we’ll look at in this post comes from Italy, where a team of eight researchers worked with two groups of athletic women. One group consisted of eleven female athletes and was simply a control group that exercised as they normally did or did not, in some cases. The other group consisted of thirteen female athletes who were asked to exercise with the vibration exercise machine three times a week for eight weeks. At the end of the study, the two groups were compared.

The researchers tested the two groups on many different factors including: countermovement jump; leg extension strength; horizontal leg press; and flexibility. It was found that the group of women that exercised with the vibration plate showed a large increase in their level of fitness, especially when compared with the group that did not include the vibration exercise machine as part of their fitness regime. The only point that the vibration plate did not perform better on than the control group was the manipulation of the controls. In this case, the level of fitness remained the same in both groups.

This study definitely showed the many benefits of vibration exercise machine fitness. However, the study also concluded that in order for the optimum benefits to be realized with vibration plate fitness, the correct frequency of vibration must be analyzed and used on an individual basis.

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